Archive by Author
Olympic flame Posted by dareios on May 20, 2012
The Olympic flame (Ολυμπιακή φλόγα) is one of the most famous Olympic symbols (σύμβολο), commemorating the theft of fire from the Greek god Zeus (Δίας) by Prometheus (Προμηθέας). Its roots lie in Ancient Greece where a flame was kept throughout the Olympic Games. Heralds (κήρυκες) were sending messengers (αγγελιοφόρους), wearing olive crowns, to announce the…
Greek Superstitions Posted by dareios on May 17, 2012
Like in every culture, Greek people have their own superstitions. Though, some of them are very similar and even identical to many cultures. Here are some of the most popular ones. Sneezing (φτέρνισμα): means that someone is talking or thinking about you. You can ask someone to give you a 3 digit number. Count each…
Mousaka Posted by dareios on May 13, 2012
Are you hungry? Today with the help of my grandmother I will give you a recipe of Mousaka (Μουσακάς). This is one of the most known food we have and one of the “must eat” once you visit Greece. This food requires a lot of efforts and time to be cooked. So, here we are…
Antikythera Mechanism Posted by dareios on May 8, 2012
Most of you know that the very first digital computer was developed between 1940 and 1945. Yes this is true, but what about the first computing machine we know today? This is about the Antikythera mechanism (Μηχανισμός των Αντικυθήρων) which has been dated to the early 1st century BCE. This mechanism was discovered in 1900…
Crossword solution Posted by dareios on May 8, 2012
Here is the solution of the crossword:
Crossword / Σταυρόλεξο Posted by dareios on May 5, 2012
Today I will try something different. I created a crossword using words from my posts. All the words can be found in my previous posts. It took me very very long time to create it. So, please let me now if you like it Across 2. Past form of ζώ (5) 4. Present…
Meteora / Μετέωρα Posted by dareios on May 5, 2012
Today I will take you to the region of Thessaly, specifically at Kalampaka, to meet Meteora (Καλαμπάκα). Meteora is a place with gigantic rocks raise where the plain of Thessaly (Θεσσαλία) ends. There is no reference neither in mythology nor in historical books concerning the generation of these huge rocks. However, historians and geologists started…