Archive for 'Holidays'
New Year’s Eve Carols in Greek Posted by Ourania on Dec 29, 2021

Χρόνια πολλά! Today, I will ignore all the bad things, related to the pandemic, and I will write about κάλαντα (carols). Τα κάλαντα are traditional songs with roots to the Byzantine tradition and they announce a religious holiday which is about to come. They are sung by children or men on Christmas Eve, on New…
Traditional Greek desserts Posted by Ourania on May 17, 2021

Γεια σας! If you like sweets, this post is for you. The Greeks love sweets, generally speaking, and although we are as not famous for our ζαχαροπλαστική (confectionery), if you are a foodie with an avid appetite for sweets, they you will not disappoint you. There is a pastry shop in every neighborhood and nowadays…