Greek Language Blog

Archive for 'Grammar'

Greek Quiz: Past tenses Posted by on Oct 19, 2016

Γεια σας! Time to refresh your grammar! In this post you will find a quiz on the past tenses: Παρατατικός (Past Continuous), Αόριστος (Past Simple), Υπερσυντέλικος (Past Perfect). Καλή τύχη! 1. Όταν η Μαριάνα …….. ο Σταύρος ……… α. διάβαζε / μαγείρευε β. διάβασε / μαγείρεψε 2. Κάθε φορά που με …….. μού …….. χρήματα…

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Interrogative pronouns quiz in Greek Posted by on Sep 6, 2016

Γεια σας! In this post there is a quiz on interrogative pronouns. It is a challenging topic because some pronouns, such as ποιός (who) and πόσος (how many, how much) are declined. All you have to do is to find the right translation of the following sentences. #1. What does “book” mean? α. Τι σημαίνει…

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Imperative in Greek: Irregular Verbs Posted by on Jul 13, 2016

The verbs put in the Simple Imperative Mood (Απλή Προστακτική ή Προστακτική Αορίστου) express a momentary action. In this post, there is a list of the most common verbs which form an irregular Imperative with examples of their use. The phrases are translated literally.   Ανεβαίνω (to go up, to climb) Ανέβα, ανεβείτε Παιδιά, ανεβείτε με…

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Greek grammar quiz: cases Posted by on Jun 29, 2016

Most learners find the use of cases (i.e. ονομαστική, γενική, αιτιατική, κλητική) challenging. In this post, there is a quiz on the right use of the four cases for pre-intermediate students.  There is only one right option for each sentence.     This is Giannis’ car. Αυτό είναι [α. του αυτοκινήτου τον Γιάννη. / β…

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Common Greek Homophones Posted by on Jun 1, 2016

Γεια σας και καλό μήνα! In every language there are words with the same sound but with different meaning.Greek is not an exception. In this post there are ten common homophones (ομόηχες λέξεις) but the list is much bigger. βάζο (το): jar, vase / βάζω: to put Η μαρμελάδα είναι στο βάζο. The jam is…

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Irregular Greek verbs: to eat Posted by on May 25, 2016

The verb “to eat” (τρώω) is one of the most common and  irregular Greek verbs. In this post, there are examples of its conjugation and use. Some types cannot be translated in English.   Ενεργητική Φωνή (Active voice)   Ενεστώτας: τρώω / I eat, I am eating Τα παιδιά τρώνε πολλά γλυκά. / The children…

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Imperative Mood in Greek Posted by on May 18, 2016

In oral speech the Imperative is used frequently in order to express a command, a request or prohibition. This post is an introduction to the Imperative Mood with examples on its use.   1.  Συνεχής (Continuous) Πρόσεχε τον εαυτό σου. / Take care of yourself. Μη δίνεις το τηλέφωνό σου σε αγνώστους. / Don’t…

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