Greek Language Blog

Expressions with the verb kleino Posted by on Nov 13, 2013 in Vocabulary

by chris_b

Most Greek learners are already familiar with the verb κλείνω (kleino). Below there are some examples of the meanings and the uses of κλείνω.

1. To close (transitive, i.e. followed by an object)

by chris_b

H gata eklise ta matia tis alla den koimate.

The cat has closed her eyes but she’s not  sleeping.


2.  To close (intransitive, i.e. it is not followed by an object)

Την Τετάρτη τα μαγαζιά κλείνουν νωρίς.

Tin Tetarti ta magazia kleinoun noris.

On Wednesday, the stores close early.


3.  To book

Γεια σας. Θα ήθελα να κλείσω ένα ραντεβού με τον κύριο Παπαδόπουλο.

Geia sas. Tha ihtela na kleiso ena rendez-vous me ton kirio Papadopoulo.

Hello. I would like to book an appointment with Mr. Papadopoulos.


Μπορείς να κλείσεις ένα εισιτήριο με το τρένο των οκτώ;

Boreis na kleiseis ena eisitirio me to treno ton okto?

Can you book a ticket for the train that leaves at eight?


4.  To close down

Το μαγαζί έκλεισε γιατί ο ιδιοκτήτης πήρε σύνταξη.

To magazi ekleise giati o odioktitis pire sintaksi.

The shop has closed down because the owner has retired.


5.  To turn off

Η Στέλλα έκλεισε την τηλεόραση και πήγε για ύπνο.

I Stella eklise tin tileorash kai pige gia ipno.

Stella turned the television off and went to bed.


Η σούπα είναι έτοιμη. Μπορείς να κλείσεις το μάτι;

I soupa ine etimi. Boris na klisis to mati?

The soup is ready. Can you turn off the stove?


6. To hang up

Πήρα τηλέφωνο το Δημήτρη και μου το ΄κλεισε.

Pira tilefono to Dimitri kai mou to klise.

I called Dimitri and he hung up on me.


Σε κλείνω. Πρέπει να φύγω.

Se klino. Prepi na figo.

I’ll hang you up. I have to go.




  1. Κλειστός, κλειστή, κλειστό (adjective)

–          Closed

Τη Δευτέρα το θέατρο είναι κλειστό.

Ti Deftera to theatro ine klisto.

On Monday the theater is closed.


Κλειστός δρόμος λόγω κατεδαφίσεων.

Klistos dromos logo katedafiseon.

Road closed due to landslide.



–          Strained

Είμαι άρρωστη και η φωνή μου είναι κλειστή.

Ime arosti kai I foni mou ine klisti.

I’m ill and my voice is strained.


–          Reserved

Η Έλλη είναι πολύ κλειστή. Δε μιλάει ποτέ για τον εαυτό της.

I Ellie ine poli klisti. De milaei pote gia ton eafto tis.

Ellie is reserved. She never talks about herself.

            2.  Κλεισμένος, κλεισμένη, κλεισμένο (participle used as adjective)

It means closed and strained (see κλειστός, κλειστή, κλειστό). It can be also used to mean:

–          Caged, imprisoned

Λυπάμαι τα πουλιά που είναι κλεισμένα στο ζωολογικό κήπο.

Lipame ta poulia pou ine klismena sto zologiko kipo.


–          Locked up (metaphorically)

Τι κάθεσαι κλεισμένη εδώ μέσα; Έχει τόσο ωραία μέρα!

Ti kathese klismeni edo mesa? Ehi toso orea mera!

Why are you staying in? (why are you locked up inside the house) It’s such a nice day!


–          Booked, not available

Λυπάμαι αλλά ο κύριος Παπαδόπουλος είναι κλεισμένος την Τετάρτη. Μπορεί να σας δει την Πέμπτη.

Lipame alla o kirios Papadopoulos ine klismenos tin Tetarti. Bori na sas di tin Pempti.

I’m sorry but Mr. Papadopoulos’ appointments on Wednesday have already been booked. He can see you on Thursday.


Be careful! Do not confuse κλείνω to its homophone κλίνω, which means to conjugate and to lean.
















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About the Author: Ourania

Ourania lives in Athens. She holds a degree in French Literature and a Master’s degree in Special Education for Children. Since 2008, she has been teaching Greek to foreigners.