Writing and understanding the letters of a different alphabet can be hard. In this post, there is information on the Greek letters.

By philos from Athens under a CC license on Flickr
The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters. In Greece, children start learning how to write at the age of five.Cursive writing is not taught and is used by elderly people.
Below, you can see how a right-handed person would usually write the letters:

Some A1 level books contain script which is hard to read. These are some examples of the different forms that some letters can take:
- Letter α

Word written: αυτός (he)
2. Letter γ 
Words written: γάτα (cat), γάλα (milk), αγγούρι (cucumber)
3. Letter ζ

Words written: ζάχαρη (sugar), ζέστη (heat), τζατζίκι (tzatziki)
4. Letter θ

Words written: θέλω (I want), Αθήνα (Athens)
5. Letter λ 
Words written: με λένε (my name is) καλά (well)
6. Letter ξ
Words written: ξένος (foreigner), ξέρω (I know)
7. Letter π

Word written: πότε (when)
8. Letter φ

Words written: φαγητό (food), φως (light)
9. Letter χ

Words written: χαρά (joy), χαίρω πολύ (nice to meet you)
10. Letter Ω (upper case)

Words written: ωραία (nice), ώρα (hour, time)
The only way to get used to the letters is by practice. If writing is important to you, pick a few lines from your textbook and copy them. Your hand will soon be moving automatically and you will develop your own, unique handwriting!