by CMMooney under a CC license on Flickr
One of the best things you can do in Greece is to eat at a Greek taverna (ταβέρνα). Most waiters are able to communicate in English and the menus are usually translated in English, so ordering food is not a problem. However, if you want to practice the language, in this post there are some sentences that you might find useful.
- Sometimes, there is no menu on the table, so if you want to ask for it you can say:
Μου φέρνετε / Μας φέρνετε έναν κατάλογο, παρακαλώ;= Can you bring me / us the menu, please?
- Sometimes, there are more options that the ones listed on the menu, so you can ask:
Ποιο είναι το πιάτο ημέρας;= What is the dish of the day?
Τι ψάρια έχετε; /Τι ψάρια υπάρχουν; = What fish do you have? / What fish are there? (literally)
Τι μαγειρευτά έχετε; / Τι μαγειρευτά υπάρχουν;= What casseroles do you have? / What casseroles are there? (literally)
Υπάρχει παστίτσιο; / Is there any pasticcio?
Τι γλυκά έχετε; / Τι γλυκά υπάρχουν;= What sweet desserts do you have? / What sweet desserts are there?
- When you are ready to order you can say:
Να παραγγείλω; / Να παραγγείλουμε;= Can I order? / Can we order? (lit.)
Θα ήθελα / Θα θέλαμε έναν μουσακά, ένα κοτόπουλο με πατάτες και μία χωριάτικη. = I would like / We would like a mousaka, a chicken with potatoes and a Greek salad.
Θα μου φέρετε / Θα μας φέρετε … / You will bring me / us…
Θα θέλαμε μία καλαμαράκια, μία χταπόδι και μία γίγαντες: (the word μία refers to μερίδα which means portion.)We would like one portion of calamari, one portion of octopus and one portion of giant beans. If you want more that one portion you can say: δύο καλαμαράκια, δύο χταπόδια και δύο γίγαντες= two calamaris, two octopuses and two giant beans (lit.)
Μου / Μας φέρνετε άλλη μία χωριάτικη; / άλλη μία μπίρα; / άλλον ένα μουσακά; = Can you bring me / us one more Greek salad / one more beer / one more mousaka? (lit.)
- If you drop your fork or knife:
Μου φέρνετε ένα πιρούνι; / ένα μαχαίρι;= Can you bring me a fork, a knife?
Μου / Μας φέρνετε το λογαριασμό;= Can you bring me / us the bill?
Note that you can add παρακαλώ (please) at the end.
In Greece, there is not any strict tip (φιλοδώρημα) policy and usually one or two euros are enough if you are eating in a taverna. However, if the service is really bad, it’s ok not to leave a tip.
Καλή όρεξη! Bon appétit!

by avlxyz under a CC license on Flickr
write in latin alphabet ! otherwise how are we supposed to learn basic phrases without spending months first learning greek alphabet!???
@andrea Hello,
The overall purpose of this blog is to enhance Greek language learning, therefore I don’t use “Greeklish”.
I apologize if it is not clear in the introduction of this post that the phrases are suitable for Greek learners and not the kind of phrases found in travel guidebooks.
Thank you for your interest.
@andrea Simple enough to copy the Greek and paste into google translate, you will get latin letters, pronunciation and even hear it read. Thank you for the list!