Tag Archives: Greek language
International Greek Language Day Posted by Ourania on Feb 9, 2021

Γεια σας! Today we celebrate the International Greek Language Day (Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας). In the post you can read seven facts about the Greek language. #1. Ελληνιστική Κοινή (Koine Greek) was the first international language (lingua franca). It is the language of the New Testament (Καινή Διαθήκη) and the Gospels (Ευαγγέλια). #2…
Changing the vowels Posted by Ourania on Nov 25, 2015
The differences between the written and the oral speech are a source of confusion. Beginners learn that the word “and” is “και”. However, in texts written in in formal language και is often written as κι. In oral speech the vowels are can be omitted and replaced by an apostrophe. In this post we will…
Free Samples of Modern Greek Language Books Posted by Ourania on Mar 12, 2014
Learning a foreign language is not easy. Sometimes learners tend to buy loads of books in their attempt to master the new language as quickly as possible. However, instead of learning the language they often overload the shelves of their bookcase with books that they will never read. There’s nothing wrong with buying books and…
The 100 Most Common Words in Greek Posted by Ourania on Oct 8, 2013
The 100 Most Common Words in Greek For those looking to learn a language quickly, Tim Ferris (of the 4 Hour Work Week) recommends you learn vocabulary based on frequency. For example, the 100 most frequently used words in English writing make up about 25% of all English writing. That’s a huge return on investment…
Passing through the Symplegades: Avoiding Some of the Most Common Mistakes in Greek Posted by Ourania on Jul 17, 2013
In Greek mythology, the Symplegades were two rocks that crashed together every time a ship was passing between them. In spite of the different techniques used in the process of learning a foreign language, we all pass through the slamming rocks. We all make mistakes and we all get discouraged. Some of the most…
Back to Greek Posted by Ourania on Jul 11, 2013
Καλημέρα σε όσους διαβάζουν αυτό το άρθρο. (Kalimera se osous diavazoun afto to arthro: litterally translated it means good morning to those who are reading this post) My name is Ourania (Ουρανία) and I will be posting on the Greek blog. For those who have questions about my name, in Greek mythology Ourania was the…