Tag Archives: Greek songs
New Year’s Eve Carols in Greek Posted by Ourania on Dec 29, 2021

Χρόνια πολλά! Today, I will ignore all the bad things, related to the pandemic, and I will write about κάλαντα (carols). Τα κάλαντα are traditional songs with roots to the Byzantine tradition and they announce a religious holiday which is about to come. They are sung by children or men on Christmas Eve, on New…
Time for a Greek song! Posted by Ourania on Aug 29, 2019

Γεια σας! It is time to explore Greek music, so the topic of this post is Με γέλασαν τα πουλιά, a Greek folk song from Thrace (Θράκη). The version I chose to present is by Θανάσης Ζήκας (Thanasis Zikas) and Εύη Σεϊτανίδου (Evi Seytanidou), known as Καντινέλια (Kadinelia). If you ever have the chance…
Frozen April in Greece Posted by Ourania on Apr 13, 2015
Δεν κάνει κρύο στην Ελλάδα. It’s not cold in Greece. These are the lyrics of a Greek song. Unfortunately, songs lie. The second week of April was windy, rainy and cold. It even snowed in the mountains of Attica, which is very unusual in this time of year. The weather got better in the weekend…
5 Greek songs performed by foreigners Posted by Ourania on Nov 6, 2013
The modern Greek music reached its peak in the 50’s and the 60’s. Many famous performers, such as the Beatles, Edith Piaf and Milva, have interpreted some of the most popular Greek songs in their native language. Some other singers though, performed the songs in Greek. Harry Bellafonte performed the song «Μες σ’ αυτή…