Tag Archives: polite form in Greek
Greek quiz: how to sound more polite Posted by Ourania on Dec 16, 2018

Γεια σας! It has been a long time since we had a quiz, so in this post there is a quiz on the use of the politeness form. In Greek, we use the second plural person of the verb to address people we don’t know or someone older than us . We can also use…
How to be polite in Greek Posted by Ourania on Sep 9, 2014
One of the first topics Greek students have to learn is the use of the polite form. It is a relatively “new” element, as it did not exist in ancient Greek, and has its origins in French. It is formed by the second plural person. E.g. «Τι κάνετε κύριε Δήμου;» (Tee kanete keerie Demou?) How…