Tag Archives: use of Greek quiz
Greek quiz: much, many, very Posted by Ourania on Jan 23, 2018

Γεια σας! A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about the different forms and uses of πολύς-πολλή-πολύ. In this post, there is a quiz suitable for pre-intermediate and intermediate students. You have to choose a, b, c or d to answer the questions 1 to 10. Only one answer is correct. The right answers…
Greek Survival phrases: quiz Posted by Ourania on Aug 3, 2016
If you are planning a vacation in Greece, this quiz might be of some use. You can check your knowledge and learn new phrases. It is suitable for beginners or pre-intermediate students. Enjoy! Question 1: If someone asks you “τι κάνεις;” the right answer is: α. Κάνω καλά, ευχαριστώ! β. Είμαι καλά, ευχαριστώ!…
Use of Greek: quiz for beginners Posted by Ourania on Oct 7, 2015
Some of the trickiest words for beginners are ποιος (who), ποιον (whom), πώς (how), πού (where), τι (what), and πόσο (how much / how many). If you want to challenge yourself, find the Greek translation of the following sentences. Only one sentence is correct. The answers are on the pdf. Καλή τύχη! (Good luck). How…
Quiz: Use of Greek 2 (yes or no) Posted by Ourania on Jun 30, 2015
Do you know how to accept or to deny an invitation or a request ?Which phrase would you use in the following contexts? For questions 1-10 choose the answer that you find suitable. The answers are not transliterated so the quiz is suitable for learners who are able to read the Greek alphabet. You may find…
Use of Greek Quiz Posted by Ourania on Jul 31, 2014
You are invited for dinner by some Greek friends. Which phrase would you use in the following contexts? For questions 1-10 choose the answer which is more suitable. The answers are not transliterated so the quiz is suitable for learners who are able to read the Greek alphabet. Intermediate and advanced students might find it…