Tag Archives: weather
Greek vocabulary for beginners: the weather Posted by Ourania on Jan 11, 2017

The winter has finally come to Greece. In this post there is a list of words suitable for beginners with examples of their use. Advanced students can check this post from 2015. Καλό χειμώνα! Ουσιαστικά (nouns) η ζέστη: heat Το καλοκαίρι κάνει ζέστη. It’s hot in the summer. ο ήλιος: sun Πάμε στο πάρκο…
Frozen April in Greece Posted by Ourania on Apr 13, 2015
Δεν κάνει κρύο στην Ελλάδα. It’s not cold in Greece. These are the lyrics of a Greek song. Unfortunately, songs lie. The second week of April was windy, rainy and cold. It even snowed in the mountains of Attica, which is very unusual in this time of year. The weather got better in the weekend…