Hebrew Language Blog

Archive for November, 2017

How to Celebrate a Jewish Wedding (part 3) Posted by on Nov 20, 2017

In our last post about How to Celebrate a Jewish Wedding, we discussed the essentiality of the chuppah. Today we’ll start to discuss everything that happens under it – the wedding ceremony. There used to be two different ceremonies (טְקָסׅים): betrothal (קׅידוּשׁׅין) and wedding (נׅישׂוּאׅין). In the past, when a couple got engaged they celebrated…

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Learning Hebrew Through Movies: And Then She Arrived Posted by on Nov 6, 2017

And Then She Arrived (וְאָז הׅיא הִגִּיעַה) is a new Israeli movie that premiered last July in Israeli cinemas. It’s an enjoyable romantic comedy, and even though the film didn’t receive favorable reviews I still believe it’s worth watching. It’s a fun movie that provides a glimpse into the Israeli culture and a good…

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