Hebrew Language Blog

Archive for February, 2019

Hebrew Verbs in Action: Binyan pa’al Posted by on Feb 18, 2019

Hebrew verbs are composed of roots and verbal stems. The basis of every verb is the root, which is comprised of three letters. The verbal stems – the בּׅנְיָנׅים (bin-ya-nim) – are the patterns that shape the roots into actual words. בִּנְיָן (bin-yan) is a firm structure of prefix, suffix and punctuation, into which the…

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Hebrew Grammar: Diseases Posted by on Feb 4, 2019

The Hebrew language consists of patterns: verbs (called בנינים) and nouns (called משקלים). Those fixed patterns – בניינים and משקלים – form a frame to the numerous Hebrew roots. The prefixes and/or suffixes of the patterns are permanent, and the root just integrated into it. Some of the patterns also attribute meaning to the word…

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