5 Useful Hebrew Verbs for Summer Posted by Ayana on Jun 10, 2019 in Learning Hebrew
The hot weather and the long vacation make the Israeli summer a season full of activities: trips, parties, open-air concerts, water sports, etc. Here are five useful verbs for spending the summertime in Israel.
To travel לְטַיֵּיל
School summer vacation in Israel is long – two months in total: July and August. Many spend part of it travelling. The heat and the humidity don’t stop the Israelis from hiking in creeks, from visiting nature reserves, or going to picnic in parks. The long vacation is a good opportunity to travel abroad, as well. Summer is the busiest season in Ben-Gurion International Airport. Approximately 4-5 million passengers will pass through the Airport in July and August. Airlines companies increase the number of regular flights during the summer months. On September 1st, the first day of school, students share stories from their travels.
The root of the verb לְטַיֵּיל is ט-י-ל, and it belongs to binyan pi’el. It’s conjugated as follows:
To swim לִשְׂחוֹת
Travelling is nice, but most of the summer is spent by the pool or the sea. Israel enjoys a long coastline along the Mediterranean Sea (almost 200 kilometers). Many cities lay on its shores: Acre, Haifa, Caesarea, Netanya, Tel-Aviv, and Ashdod, just to name a few. Smaller bodies of water create more beaches: the Red Sea (with Eilat on its shores), the Dead Sea on the eastern border of Israel, and the Kinneret in the north of Israel. When the temperatures are crazy high (sometimes even 42 degrees Celsius) and the humidity level is unbearable (up to 90 percent), jumping to the pool or swimming in the sea is the best pastime.
The root of the verb לִשְׂחוֹת is ש-ח-ה, and it belongs to binyan pa’al. It’s conjugated as follows:
To sunbathe לְהִשְׁתַּזֵּף
Despite the growing awareness of the dangers of tanning, many still enjoy the bright summer sun and spend their free time during summer vacation laying down by the pool or the sea to catch some color. Many want to look tanned, and summer is a good season to save money on a tanning salon or tanning cosmetics. You can simply lie on a chair or a towel, read a book or close your eyes for thirty minutes and wake up bronzed.
The root of the verb לְהִשְׁתַּזֵּף is ש-ז-פ, and it belongs to binyan hitpa’el. It’s conjugated as follows:
To eat לֶאֱכֹול
The main comfort in the heat wave is the sweet fruits of summer: melon, pineapple, fig, apricot, plum, and peach. Popular summer snacks are frozen grapes, watermelon with sirene cheese, and, of course, ice cream. Sometimes it is so hot, that we skip the food, and eat only the snacks.
The root of the verb לֶאֱכֹול is א-כ-ל, and it belongs to binyan pa’al. It’s conjugated as follows:
To drink לִשְׁתּוֹת
Even if you avoid the scorching summer sun, and stay inside with the air conditioner, it is still extremely important to stay hydrated. At least ten glasses of water a day is recommended during the summer.
The root of the verb לִשְׁתּוֹת is ש-ת-ה, and it belongs to binyan pa’al. It’s conjugated as follows:
Happy summer, everyone!
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