Hebrew Language Blog

Finding Accommodations Posted by on Oct 29, 2012 in Uncategorized

Note: This post and future posts will be using a more interactive way to help you learn Hebrew. Hovering your mouse cursor over the Hebrew words (without clicking on them) will show you how to pronounce the word in Hebrew, along with the English translation. This will help you get used to reading Hebrew faster.


Finding a place to stay takes a bit of research, planning and in some cases, going to look at the place to see if you like it. When it comes to moving, I don’t like it, but it has to be done sometimes. Personally, I would rather live in the פַּרְוָר of a עִיר . It’s not as stressful as living in the עִיר itself, and some פַּרְוָרוֹת can be pretty שָׁקֵט and נוֹחַ .

So I’m looking for an דִּירָה to שָׂכַר. I would like a three room דִּירָה (I’ll explain more below) just outside נְתַנְיָה. Some things I need to keep in mind when looking are:

Which שְׁכוּנָה do I want to live in?

Do I need to sign a חוֹזֶה שכִירוּת?

Do I need to provide a פִּקָּדוֹן?

Will I have a מָקוֹם חֲנָיָה?

Of course, you don’t have to be moving to know about these things. If you are already living in an דִּירָה, or renting a בַּיִת, how many קוֹמוֹת does it have? Is there an מַעֲלִית in the בִּנְיָן? How much is the שְכָּר הַדִּירָה or מַשְׁכַּנְתָּא?

In the home

Once I’m settled in, I want to spruce it up a little. I go and buy a few שְׁטִיחִים to cover the floor, maybe a צָמַח or two (or three). Of course, some תְּמוּנוֹת on the קִירוֹת so they won’t look so bare. The רָהִיטִים looks good. There is no מוּסָךְ, but it does have a מָקוֹם חֲנָיָה.

Now I can put away my things and rest up a little before exploring the city.

How many floors?

In the United States, what is called the first floor, is known as the “ground floor” in Israel. And the American second floor is the first floor in Israel. This naming convention is also used in Europe and other countries around the world.


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About the Author: Sean Young

Learning languages since 1978 and studying over 50 (achieving fluency in 10). Sean L. Young loves giving tips, advice and the secrets you need to learn a language successfully no matter what language you're learning. Currently studying Hindi and blogging his progress right here at Transparent Language - https://blogs.transparent.com/language-news.


  1. home and garden:

    Your post really helped me. ….Thank you….