Adverbs Posted by kunthra on Mar 12, 2010 in Uncategorized
Adverbs can be placed in various places of a sentence. For instance, adverbs may be placed before an adjective:
It is not very bad – यह बहुत बुरा नहीं है (very = adverb)
यह = it. बहुत = very. बुरा = bad. नहीं = not. है = is.
Adverbs can also be placed before a verb :
Suniil walks fast – सुनील तेज चलती है (fast= adverb)
सुनील = Suniil. तेज = fast. चलती = walks. है = is.
Adverbs can also precede another adverb:
I like it very much – मैं इसे बहुत चाहता हूँ (adverbs = very, much)
मैं = I. इसे = like. बहुत = very. चाहता = much. हूँ = is.
There are pure adverbs like “today”, “tomorrow” and adverbs that can be formed with the postposition से.
She did her work very happily – उसने अपना कम ख़ुशी से किया (adverbs = very, happily)
उसने = she. अपना = own. कम = work. ख़ुशी = happines. से = with. किया = did.
There are adverbs of the interrogative:
Why are you sad? – आप उदास क्यों हैं (adverb = why)
आप = you. उदास = sad. क्यों = why. हैं = are.
There are also adverbs of place and direction:
It is colder outside than inside: बाहर से अंदर अधिक ठंड़ा है (adverbs – outside/inside)
बाहर = outside. से = from. अंदर = inside. अधिक = more. ठंड़ा = cold. है = hai.

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