Consonants Joining in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on Mar 29, 2015 in Hindi Language
In Hindi language, we combine and create new words quite often. In Hindi, Joining (संधि) or combination are of 3 major types. When a word is formed by a combination of two consonant or a consonant and a vowel then this combination or joining is called व्यंजन संधि (Vyanjan Sandhi – Consonants Joining) in Hindi.
Examples: Note carefully, how the two Hindi consonants or vowels are combining to form new word.
1. त् (t) + ई (i) = दी (di)
जगत् (Jagat – Word) + ईश (Ish – Master) = जगदीश (Jagdish – God)
2. म् (m) + त (ta) = ं (n)
सम् (Sam – Equal) + तोष (Tosh – Appeasement) = संतोष (Santosh – Satisfaction)
3. म् (m) + म (ma) = म्म (mma)
सम् (Sam – Equal) + मति (Mati – Mind)= सम्मति (Sammati – Agreement)
4. म् (m) + म (ma) = म्म (mma)
सम् (Sam – Equal) + मान (Maan – Honor) = सम्मान (Sammaan – Respect)
5. म् (m) + य (ya) = ं (n)
सम् (Sam – Equal) + योग (Yog – Possibility) = संयोग (Sanyog – Coincidence)
6. न (na) + स् (s) = ष (sha)
नि (Ni – Without) + सिद्ध (Sidhd- Prove) = निषिद्ध (Nishedhd – Prohibited)
7. त् (t) + भ (bha) = द्भ (dh)
सत् (Sat – Good) + भावना (Bhavna – Spirit) = सद्भावना (Sadhbhavna – Goodwill)
8. त् (t) + ज (ja) = ज्ज (jja)
सत् (Sat – Good) + जन (Jan – People) = सज्जन (Sajjan – Gentlemen)
9. त् (t) + ध (dha) = द्ध (dha)
सत् (Sat – Good) + धर्म (Dharm – Duty, Religion) = सद्धर्म (Sadharm – Good Duty)
10. म् (m) + ब (ba) = ं (n)
सम् (Sat – Good) + बंध (Bandh – Bond) = संबंध (Sambandh – Relation)
11. व् (v) + स् (s) = ष (sha)
वि(Vi – Opposite) + सम (Sam – Equal) = विषम (Visham – Unequal)

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