Conversation in Hindi – Visit to Barber Shop Posted by Nitin Kumar on Apr 29, 2014 in Hindi Language
John is on his holidays to India. During his holidays in the remote part of India, he would like to visit a barber shop. He found only one barber shop in location and unfortunately, the sole barber doesn’t speak English. John has no other possibility but speak to him in Hindi.
Hindi word for hair is बाल (Baal) and Barber is called नाई (Naai). The verb associated with hair-cutting/hair-dressing is called बाल कटवाना (Baal Katvana).
Well, let me help you out here with a sample conversation and let’s see how John manages his conversation with the barber in Hindi. Words in brackets are usually omitted in conversation as it is obvious from the context.
John to Barber :
Hello / Hello (more formal) Sir!
Namaste / Namskar!
Barber to John :
Namaste / Namskar!
Hello / Hello!
John to Barber :
I want to get my hair trimmed.
मुझे बाल कटवाने हैं।
Mujhe baal katvane hain.
Barber to John :
Do you want to keep your hair long or short?
(क्या) बाल लम्बे रखने है या छोटे?
(kya) baal lame rakhne hai ya chote?
John to Barber :
I want to keep them short.
बाल छोटे रखने हैं।
baal chote rakhne hain.
Barber to John :
Should I shampoo your hair?
(क्या) बालों में शैम्पू करना है या नहीं?
(kya) baalon mein shampoo karna hai ya nahi?
John to Barber :
Yes, please do.
हाँ, कर देना।
hain, kar dena.
After the hair trimming, the barber usually ask if you want to get your hair styled with gel or wax and so on.
Barber to John :
Should I style your hair?
(क्या) बाल स्टाइल करने है?
(kya) baal style karne hai?
Barber to John :
Would you like something else…Waxing, Shaving?
(क्या) और कुछ करना है?…वैक्सिंग, शेविंग?
(kya) aur kuch karna hai?…waxing, shaving?
John to Barber :
No, that’s it.
नहीं, बस यही।
nahi, bas yehi.
How much?
कितने हुए?
kitne hue?
Barber to John :
One hundred.
एक सौ रुपए।
ek sau rupey.
John to Barber :
Thank you!
Barber to John :
Thank you!

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