Future of Language Policy in India Posted by Nitin Kumar on Nov 30, 2014 in Hindi Language
Recently, there has been a huge debate on the issue of languages in India. Present (वर्तमान – Vartmaan) government wants to make Sanskrit compulsory in the schools. Indian schools have many optional subjects which often include foreign languages and many of the school have already teaching foreign language such as French, German, Spanish etc to their students. Recently, the minister for human resource has reverted the decision to teach German as third language in the schools of Kendriya Vidhalaya Sangathan, the biggest society of government schools in India. The decision to teach German as third language (भाषा – Bhasha) was taken by the schools without notifying the government. The decision came on the fact that India has a three language formula which states that every citizen of India must be taught three languages.
These three languages are the mother-tongue of the person, Hindi and English. It was envisage by the great leaders of India, that after independence from the foreign rule (शासन – Shaasan), the nation will be united under one language. That language was Hindi. However, due to non-alignment of southern states on the subject of Hindi as a national language and because of them asking for time to switch over to Hindi, it was decided that the nation will adopt a three language formula (सूत्र – Sutr).
In the present case, many linguistic society filled petition against teaching German as the third language which violates Indian policy (नीति – Neeti) according to three language formula. Obviously, teaching German as a third language not only violates the policy but German does not have any linguistic linkage to India. The decision to replace German (जर्मन) with Sanskrit was welcomed by most Indians given that 90% Indian and many South Asian languages have their origin in Sanskrit (संस्कृत). However, this also resulted into problem for numerous students as the mid-term switch to the language have let to chaos and confusion (भ्रम – Bhram) to them. Many including Supreme Court of India wants that the government decision should be postponed for the present term. Now, many are waiting for the government (सरकार – Sarkar) decision which will clear the air from the future (भविष्य – Bhavishy) language policy of India.

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