Tea, Coffee and Class Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Jun 30, 2021

India is a land of caste जाति and class श्रेणी. Whether people realize it or not, they utilize class-conscious वर्ग जागरूक ways of behavior. For example, speaking in English, shows you are upwardly mobile उपरिगामी गतिशीलता. While Tapori is lower in status even though it has been gaining acceptance स्वीकृति प्राप्त करना by higher classes…
Ruskin Bond – An Unlikely Indian Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Jun 27, 2021

I remember having to read the books पुस्तकें by Ruskin Bond, in the private all-girls Catholic School I attended. Ruskin Bond is a famous प्रसिद्ध author on the Indian subcontinent उपमहाद्वीप although little is known about him here in North America. Origins Ruskin Bond was born to British parents माता-पिता who at that time were…
Mumbai: Koliwadas and Gaothans Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Jun 19, 2021

The Kolis are one of Mumbai’s oldest communities सबसे पुराने समुदाय living in Koliwadas. Their industry उद्योग which is fishing is instrumental in determining निर्धारण में सहायक the coastline of Mumbai. There was another एक और community that flourished निखरा back in the day. These natives communities मूल निवासी समुदाय are called the Gaothans. This…
The Kolis Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Jun 9, 2021

A short distance दूरी from the house I grew up in, is a little fishing village गाँव called Danda Koliwada. The village is so close that every afternoon दोपहर the smell of drying fish मछली comes wafting into the open windows खुली खिड़कियाँ of my home. The Kolis, as these fisherfolk मछुआरों are called dry…
Fiji Indians – Fiji Hindi Baat Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on May 31, 2021

The Language and Dialects The Girmitiya brought the language भाषा and culture संस्कृति of their villages to Fiji. They spoke the dialects बोलियों and languages of their state but the majority spoke Hindi which is an Indo-Aryan language. This language differed from Fijian which is an Austronesian language. Fiji Hindi Baat Fiji Hindi is also…
Fiji Indians – Girmit and Girmitiyas Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on May 31, 2021

History of the Fiji Indians In the 18th century 18 वीं शताब्दी the British were busy dominating पर हावी the world, making colonies and, bringing with them, their brand ब्रांड of tea चाय, sugar चीनी, and the English language भाषा. The demand मांग for sugar was increasing worldwide दुनिया भर and the ability to cultivate विकसित…
What is the Bundeli Dialect? Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on May 26, 2021

Movies and Dialects I recently watchedदेखा a delightful Hindi Bollywood movieचलचित्र on Netflix. The movie, Motichoor Chaknachoor, was filmed फिल्माया गया था in the city of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. My current favorite वर्तमान पसंदीदा Bollywood actor, Nawazuddin Siddiqui was the main actor मुख्य अभिनेता, in this comedy. Nawazuddin is a character actor चरित्र अभिनेता who…