Particles Posted by kunthra on Apr 7, 2010 in Hindi Language
The भर particle denotes the meaning of somehing being full, whole, or being in the entire.
दिन is “day” and “the whole day” is दिन भर
He watches tv all day – वह दिन भर टीवी देखता है
वह = he. दिन = whole/all. भर = day. टीवी = tv. देखता है = watches
पड़ा denotes the meaning of unexpectedness
वह रोई is “she cries” but वह रो पड़ी is “she cries suddenly”
डाला can give the meaning of aggression
He killed the bird – उसने पंछी को मारा
उसने = he. पंछी = bird. को मारा = killed
सा is a suffix that gives the meaning of “just a bit”, “a little”, “a bit” or “like”
He is a bit fat – वह मोटा सा है
वह = he. मोटा = fat. सा = bit. है = is.
मात्र can denote the meaning “only”
He was the only one not to do this work – मात्र उसने यह काम नहीं किया
मात्र = only. उसने = he. यह = this. काम = work. नहीं = negation. किया = did

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