Short Story in Hindi – The Rabbit and the Turtle Posted by Nitin Kumar on Aug 31, 2014 in Hindi Language
Let me present you a fable from a very famous series of animal fables from ancient India which is called Panchatantra (पञ्चतन्त्र – Five Principles) which were composed in 3 BCE and since then have been translated into many languages around the world.
I have selected a very interesting story whose moral is: We should never underestimate a weak enemy. Hope you will enjoy the reading and learn some new vocabulary.
एक बार की बात है, एक खरगोश बहुत ढींगे मार रहा था की वो कितना तीव्र भाग सकता है और वो जंगल में रहने वाले कछुए का उपहास कर रहा था की वो कितना धीमा है। यह सुन कर कछुए ने खरगोश को दौड़ की चुनौती दे दी। | दोनों ने दौड़ करने का निर्णय लिया। जैसा की सबने सोचा था, खरगोश दौड़ प्रारंभ होते ही तीव्रता से कछुआ से आगे निकल गया। अभी दौड़ते-दौड़ते थोड़ा ही समय गुज़रा था कि खरगोश ने पीछे मुड़कर देखा कि कछुआ काफी पीछे रह गया है | उसने सोचा कि कछुए की चाल तो बहुत ही धीमी है इसलिए मैं थोड़ी देर विश्राम कर लेता हूँ | वह एक पेड़ की ठंडी छाँव में ऐसा सोया कि कछुआ, धीमी चाल होने के बावजूद भी, उससे आगे निकल कर अपने गन्तव्य तक पहुँच कर दौड़ जीत गया | जब खरगोश नींद से उठा तो उस से कछुआ दिखाई नहीं दिया। खरगोश दौड़ जितने के लिए गन्तव्य की ओर दौड़ा और आश्चर्य में कछुए को वहां उसकी प्रतीक्षा करता पाया ।
One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. After hearing this the turtle challenged the rabbit for a race. They decided to race to see who is faster. As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought. The rabbit turned around to see if he can find the turtle and found him way behind him. The rabbit decided to stop and take a short nap as the turtle was very slow. As the rabbit slept under a tree, the turtle races to the destination with his slow pace. Even with his slow pace, the turtle run to the destination as the rabbit slept and won the race. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at full-speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.
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g guru charan:
Very nice and helpful
Sai Krishna:
Good, nice translation
jp choyal:
very good.but at last had to show a moral.but very useful.i enjoyed it
useful for my hindi holiday h.w
Thq for the story sir it helped my project make more stories sir it will really help
Very helpful for me very nice story
Siva sharan:
Thank u nithin uncle for posting this in Google and it is a good story
Barkath basha:
Thank you for writing this story it help me to complete my project please make this type of interesting stories.