Tag Archives: bandra
Bandra – Then and Now Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Mar 28, 2022

Bandra, Mumbai is a bustling suburb on the west coast पश्चिमी तट of Mumbai city. Waves लहर from the Arabian Sea pound Bandra’s shores day दिन in and day out, bringing landlocked घिरा residents to her beaches सागरतट and waterfront तट promenades. I grew up in the sleepy suburb उपनगर in the seventies and eighties…
How to spend Christmas in Mumbai Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Dec 14, 2021

Christmas in Mumbai was and will still remain a magical experience जादुई अनुभव for this writer. The weather in Mumbai is a nice 75 degrees Farenheit and not humid, (I know that does not sound like Christmas to most Americans). Actually this is one of the best times to go to India. Ex patriates प्रवासियों…
Bandra Hindi Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Apr 2, 2021

Bandra Hindi What is Bandra Hindi? Bandraites, the residents of Bandra speak a combination मिश्रण of Hindi and English with colloquial phrases. This language is a mixture of Hindi words that are anglicized or butchered, slang, and Marathi words. Where did Bandra Hindi come from? Bandra Hindi evolved विकसित from Marathi, Konkani, and English which…