Tag Archives: Hindi numbers
Hindi Numbers 1 – 100 Posted by Nitin Kumar on Dec 18, 2011

Numbers in Hindi can be a little tricky in the beginning, but once you notice some of the regular patterns, you can remember them easily. Below is a handy table of Hindi numbers from 1 to 100. Some hints for you, we have some ending like “ah” (11-18), “is” (19 – 38s) and so on. Moreover, the prefixes…
Hindi Numbers 86-100 Posted by kunthra on Jun 24, 2009
86 (८६) chiyaasii (छियासी) 87 (८७) sattaasii (सत्तासी) 88 (८८) atthaasii (अट्ठासी) 89 (८९) naavaasii (नवासी) 90 (९०) nabbe (नब्बे) 91 (९१) ikyaanabe (इक्यानबे) 92 (९२) baanabe (बानबे) 93 (९३) tiraanabe (तिरानबे) 94 (९४) chauraanabe (चौरानबे) 95 (९५) panchaanabe (पंचानबे) 96 (९६) chiyaanabe (छियानबे) 97 (९७) sattaanabe (सत्तानबे) 98 (९८) atthaanabe (अट्ठानबे) 99 (९९) ninyaanabe…
Hindi Numbers 71-85 Posted by kunthra on Jun 21, 2009
71 (७१) ikahattar (इकहत्तर) 72 (७२) bahattar (बहत्तर) 73 (७३) tihattar (तिहत्तर) 74 (७४) chaohattar (चौहत्तर) 75 (७५) pachahattar (पचहत्तर) 76 (७६) chhihattar (छिहत्तर) 77 (७७) satahattar (सतहत्तर) 78 (७८) athahattar (अठहत्तर) 79 (७९) unaasee (उनासी) 80 (८०) assee (अस्सी) 81 (८१) ikyaasee (इक्यासी) 82 (८२) bayaasee (बयासी) 83 (८३) tiraasee (तिरासी) 84 (८४) chaoraasee…
Numbers 31-50 Posted by kunthra on May 10, 2009
Namaste (नमस्ते)! We’re going to continue where we left off with the numbers. 31 (३१) (ikatiis) (इकतीस) 32 (३२) (battiis) (बत्तीस) 33 (३३) (taintiis) (तैंतीस) 34 (३४) (chauntiis) (चौंतीस) 35 (३५) (paintiis) (पैंतीस) 36 (३६) (chattis) (छत्तीस) 37 (३७) (saintiis) (सैंतीस) 38 (३८) (adatiis) (अड़तीस) 39 (३९) (unataaliis) (उनतालीस) 40 (४०) (chaaliis) (चालीस) 41 (४१)…
Hindi Numerals Posted by kunthra on Mar 28, 2009
Namaste (नमस्ते)! We’re going to take a look at Hindi numbers. Although Indians can read Arabic numerals like 1, 2, 3 etc. we still have our own number system with different symbols. Also, keep in mind that the symbols are really easy to read and predictable. It’s the pronunciation that’ll kill you. 0 : (०)…