Tag Archives: hindi numerals
The Evolution of Hindi Numerals Posted by Rachael on Jul 20, 2019

What many refer to as “Arabic numerals,” (अंक/ank=numeral) actually have their origin (मूल/mool) in the Indian subcontinent, from whence they eventually spread to Persia and the Arab world. Although modern Arabic numerals (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.) are in common use throughout India today, it is useful to learn their forms in Devanagari as you…
Hindi Numbers 1 – 100 Posted by Nitin Kumar on Dec 18, 2011

Numbers in Hindi can be a little tricky in the beginning, but once you notice some of the regular patterns, you can remember them easily. Below is a handy table of Hindi numbers from 1 to 100. Some hints for you, we have some ending like “ah” (11-18), “is” (19 – 38s) and so on. Moreover, the prefixes…
Numbers 51-70 Posted by kunthra on May 13, 2009
51 (५१) (इक्यावन) (Ikyaavan) 52 (५२) (बावन) (baavan) 53 (५३) (तिरेपन) (tirepan) 54 (५४) (चौवन) (chaovan) 55 (५५) (पचपन) (pachapan) 56 (५६) (छप्पन) (chhappan) 57 (५७) (सत्तावन) (sattaavan) 58 (५८) (अट्ठावन) (atthaavan) 59 (५९) (उनसठ) (unasath) 60 (६०) (साठ) (saath) 61 (६१) (इकसठ) (ikasath) 62 (६२) (बासठ) (baasath) 63 (६३) (तिरेसठ) (tirasath) 64 (६४)…