Tag Archives: munshi premchand
Figures from Hindi Literary History: Shivrani Devi Premchand Posted by Rachael on Jan 12, 2019

Although many acquainted with the Hindi literary world (हिंदी साहित्यिक क्षेत्र/Hindi saahityik kshetra) are familiar with the name Munshi Premchand/मुंशी प्रेमचंद (his real name was Dhanpat Rai Shrivastav), a prolific author (लेखक/lekhak) who expressed his passion for social justice (सामाजिक न्याय/saamaajik nyaay) in his fiction, many people may not be familiar with his wife, Shivrani…
Shivrani Devi Premchand: A Shadow on The Stage Posted by Rachael on Mar 14, 2018

Most people familiar with Hindi literature (साहित्य/saahitya, masc. noun) readily recall the literary (साहित्यिक/saahityik) giant Munshi Premchand (or, Dhanpat Rai Shrivastav); yet, despite her contributions to Hindi literature and the Indian Independence movement, his wife Shivrani Devi, is much less renowned. Similarly, one of Premchand’s sons, Amrit Rai, composed a monumental biography (जीवनी/jeevani, fem. noun, or जीवन-चरित/jeevan charit…
Premchand Posted by Nitin Kumar on Apr 22, 2012
Today, I will talk about a legendary writer from modern Hindi literature world. He is considered as Indian Shakespeare by many Hindi writers. His works are mandatory in upper education in Hindi just like the work of Shakespeare in English. In secondary education, you will find his short stories in the Hindi lessons. His imprint…