Top 20 One Word Substitution in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on May 28, 2015 in Hindi Language
There are words in Hindi which are described by a whole sentence or group of words. Let me show you some top 20 such words in Hindi which are very common and used in daily conversation.
English translations are given in the bracket after sentences or group of words and romanized spelling are also given for one word substitution in brackets.
1. जिसकी कोई उपमा न हो (Which can not be compared) – अनुपम (Anupam – Unique)
2. आलोचना करने वाला (One who criticize) – आलोचक (Aalochak – Critic)
3. इतिहास का जानकर (One who knows history) – इतिहासकार (Itihaskar – Historian)
4. आकाश को चूमने वाली (A building that can touch sky) – गगनचुम्बी (Gaganchumbi – Skyscraper)
5. जो बात पहले कभी ना हुई हो (Which is not been heard before) – अभूतपूर्व (Abhutpurv – Unprecedented)
6. जहा अनाथ रहते हो (One who live in Orphanage) – अनाथाश्रम (Anathashram – Orphanage)
7. जिसे बहुत आवश्यक हो (Thing which is very necessary) – अनिवार्य (Anivaarya – Mandatory)
8. जो कभी ना मरे (One who can not die) – अमर (Amar – Immortal)
9. जहा पुस्तके पढने के लिए राखी जाती हो (the place where books are kept for reading) – पुस्तकालय (Pustakaliye – Library)
10. जनता में सुनी-सुनाई बातें (Commonly heard gossip) – किंवदंती (Kivdantiya – Legend)
11. जानने की इच्छा रखने वाला (One who is curious) – जिज्ञासु (Jigyasu – Curious)
12. अच्छे कुल में जन्म लेने वाला (One who is born in a good family) – कुलीन (Kulin – Noble)
13. जो सब जगह व्याप्त हो (One who is omnipresent) – सर्वव्यापी (Sarvayapi – Omnipresent)
14. जो कानून के विरुद्ध हो (a thing which is illegal) – अवैध (Avadh – Illegal)
15. जिसकी कोई संतान ना हो (One who has got no children) – नि:संतान (Nirsantan – Childless)
16. रात में घूमने वाला (One who travel at night) – निशाचर (Nishachar – Noctivagant)
17. जिसका पार ना पाया जाये (Whose boundary can not be found, boundless) – अपार (Apar – Boundless)
18. जिसके माँ-बाप ना हो (One who is orphan) – अनाथ (Anath – Orphan)
19. जो कम से जी चुराता हो (One who doesn’t want to work) – कामचोर (Kamchor – Doodle)
20. जिसके ह्रदय में दया ना हो (One who is cruel) – निर्दय (Nirday – Ruthless, Merciless)

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sitaram sharma:
Atiutam, anukarniye kam
dear writer….thaxs fr such a helpful post…. one word I m searching for long time. kindly help me for the same…. JISKO BAAGYA PER VISHWAS HO.
i ,m searching for ,,,,JISKI GHERAYI NA MAPI JAA SAKE