Icelandic Language Blog

Archive for September, 2017

Reading Exercises, oh my! Posted by on Sep 30, 2017

I was recently asked to start writing book reviews for Icelandic children’s books. So for the past few days, I’ve been reading a number of novels for youngsters. One of the authors, Ævar Þór Benediktsson, is also Ævar vísindamaður, whose tv program I highly recommend for practicing your listening. So I’ve been thinking quite a lot…

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The Week of Exercises! (Passive) Posted by on Sep 22, 2017

Today I’m going to share a few practices with you for the passive voice, which we went over in July. I hope you find these helpful. I’ll post additional exercises over the next week, for you to get used to the passive before we finish the topic up.   Also, as a note: I’ve been…

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