Indonesian Language Blog

Prefix -nya Posted by on Feb 25, 2018 in Uncategorized


Suffix -nya is a unique prefix in Indonesia grammar as the functions it served, such as a third person pronoun and possessive pronoun, -nya meaning the shows that the person or thing has either been  mentioned before, -nya as a nominalizer, etc.
1.   is to show possession (his, her, its, their)
      For example:
    – Mahasiswa-mahasiswa ini akan melanjutkan pendidikannya ke luar negeri.
      These students will continue their education overseas.
    –  Ini  bukunya
      This is his/her book.
    – Ekornya panjang
      Its tail is long.
2.  is used as the object of a transitive verb to mean him, her, it, some.
      For example:
     – Kami sudah menunggunya sejak dua jam lalu.
       We have been waiting for her since 2 hours ago.
    – Buku ini sangat bagus. Saya sudah membacanya.
      This book is very good. I have read it.
3.   your (indirect second person).
 In many instances, Indonesian speakers avoid saying ‘you’ or ‘your’ to the person to whom they are speaking, out of politeness. Instead, -nya is often preferred, which may seem strange to English speakers, since it sounds like they are referring to something belonging to someone else.
       For example:
       – Kampungnya di mana?
         Where is your kampung?
       – Namanya siapa?
         What is his/her name? or What is your name?
4.    As equivalent of ‘the’.
         “-nya” can be used to refer something to something already known or understood from context. In English, this is shown by the word ‘the’.
        For example:
      – Hawanya panas sekali hari ini.
        The weather is very hot today.
     – Jangan lupa mengembalikan bukunya ya.
        Don’t forget to return the book, will you?
     – Silakan makan kuenya.
       Please eat the cake.
5.    As Exclamation
       -nya is attached to an adjective to make an exclamatory remark

about something.

       For example:
      – Cantiknya anak perempuan ini!
        Cantiknya   anak  perempuan ini!
       Adjective+nya      Noun phrase
       How beautiful    this little girl is!
        – Betapa sulitnya ujian itu!
          How difficult that exam is!
Grammar Practice
Rewrite the sentences in Indonesian using “–nya”!
1.   Rebecca dan anak dia pergi ke museum di Washington DC pada hari Minggu.
2.   Hari Sabtu suami saya tidak bekerja. Dia dan teman dia pergi memancing di taman nasional.
3.   Rumah adik perempuan saya besar dan berjendela banyak. Rumah dia ada di Frederick, Maryland.
4.  Pak Rusman bekerja di Home Depot. Mobil dia baru dan berwarna biru. Pintu mobil itu ada empat.
5.  Presiden Obama tinggal di Gedung Putih di jalan Pensylvania.  Itu rumah dia sekarang.
6.  Adik saya tinggal di Australia. Negara dia di sebelah tenggara Indonesia.
7.   Andang berasal dari Indonesia. Dia mempunyai isteri dari Amerika. Isteri dia bernama Kathy.
8.   Mirna berkantor di kedutaan besar Indonseia di Jakarta. Dia naik mobil dia ke kantor.
9.   Buku bahasa Spanyol itu bagus. Saya sudah membaca buku itu.
10.  Sumini adalah guru fisika. Pelajar-pelajar dia suka belajar di kelas dia.
11.   Teman saya dan anak dia berkunjung ke Hollywood. Mereka suka kota itu.
12.  Mereka makan di restoran Sarinah. Makanan restoran itu enak sekali.
13.  Guru bahasa Indonesia saya baik sekali. Saya suka guru itu.
14.  Siapa sudah pergi ke Perancis? Mereka suka makanan negara itu.
15.  Dia punya mobil –mobil baru. Berapa mobil baru dia?
16.  Di mana anak-anak dia? Dia punya lima anak.
17.  Atase-atase militer  pulang ke negara mereka selama musim panas.
18.  Turis Amerika berlibur di Indonesia. Pesawat terbang mereka datang terlambat.
19.  Dulu saya berkuliah di Harvard. Saya suka kampus Harvard.
20.  Sekarang saya bekerja di departemen pertahanan. Saya suka pejabat-pejabat departemen pertahanan itu.
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About the Author: asimonoff

I’m an Indonesian language instructor, instructional material developer, reading test developer, and interpreter. I have been teaching Indonesian to adult students for 15 years, and have been teaching students from many backgrounds, such as private, military and diplomatic service employees. I’m Indonesian, but am living in the US now; my exposure to different cultures in my home country and in the US has enriched my knowledge in teaching Indonesian as a second language. I approach the teaching of the Indonesian language by developing students’ critical cultural awareness and competence. This method of teaching has been proven to be a key to the success of my students. Students become conscious of the essential role culture plays in the language.


  1. Sharon Ford:

    Wow! Oh my goodness! This is wonderful! I’m learning Bahasa on my own. You spoke on my level and are answering so many of my questions. I might not get all the answers right, but your teaching is so very helpful! Terima Kasih!!!

    • asimonoff:

      @Sharon Ford I am glad it helped you. Keep reading our postings 🙂 Selamat belajar!