Archive for August, 2009
Substantivos Compostos Posted by Adir on Aug 24, 2009
Quando temos um substantivo composto em inglês, ou seja, duas palavras com um único significado, a sílaba tônica (mais forte) sempre recai no primeiro substantivo. Veja e ouça alguns exemplos: babysitter (babá) bartender (barman) busboy (ajudando de limpeza – restaurante) cameraman (operador de câmera) disc jockey (DJ) dog trainer (treinador de cachorro) fireman (bombeiro) fisherman…
Sons Mudos: P e B Posted by Adir on Aug 24, 2009
A lingual inglesa tem algumas letras com sons mudos. Elas aparecem nas palavras mas não são pronunciadas. Veja alguns exemplos com as letras P e B. bomb (bomba) climb (escalar) climber (alpinista) comb (pente) corps (corpo – organização) coup (golpe – de estado) cupboard (armário) debt (dívida) doubt (dúvida) dumb (burro) lamb (cordeiro) limb (membro…
Inglês no Telefone Posted by Adir on Aug 24, 2009
Speaking English on the telephone is quite a skill. When you call a company and you get an operator, they might say things like: Amplex Company, may I help you? Good afternoon, the Amplex Company. You, then, identify yourself: This is Marcos Silva from the Oliveira Group in Brazil. It’s Mr. Silva of the Oliveira…
Diferenças Culturais Posted by Adir on Aug 24, 2009
Sometimes foreign visitors come to our company and we need to socialize and make some small talk. However, cultural differences have to be taken into account before we start socializing. Here are some topics you can find out about your partner’s country: regional and cultural differences the economy the role of women in society and…
Expressions with ‘To Make’ Posted by Adir on Aug 24, 2009
Advanced students almost always know a lot of vocabulary but still don’t know how to use words correctly and fluently. This happens a lot with the verb to make. As a first meaning, to make is to produce something, usually with your hands or by putting some parts together. Here are some fixed expressions with…
Idioms Posted by Adir on Aug 24, 2009
One of the most colorful aspects of a language are idioms. Idioms are fixed expressions that carry no meaning if you try to understand it word by word. On this post we’re going to be talking about some idioms that are very common in English. When we say that the phone is ringing off the…
The Article “the” – Part I Posted by Adir on Aug 24, 2009
The use of the article the is different in English and in Portuguese. Let me show you some really useful rules for using the article the correctly. 1. We don’t usually use the with people’s names and with countries, continents, regions, states, provinces, islands, cities, towns and mountains. Examples: Africa, Europe, South America, New York…