Transparent Inglês

Happy Thanksgiving! – Parte 04 Posted by on Nov 22, 2010 in Avançado

Hey, there! How’s it going?

Amanhã é celebrado o feriado de Ação de Graças nos Estados Unidos e meus colegas da Transparent Language, Christopher O’Donnell, Patrick Paraggio e Kristen Heudorfer já contaram como celebram esta data com suas famílias.

Nosso último vídeo traz a Natalie Turcotte, que trabalha com desenvolvimento de produtos na Transparent Language e ela nos conta como ela celebra tal feriado em sua casa e também nos conta como fazer green bean casserole (bem facinho!).

Esperamos que todos, aqui no Brasil ou em qualquer parte do mundo, agradeçamos as bençãos que nos são dadas diariamente como saúde, trabalho, amizade, amor, um teto e também nossa família.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Ok, first of all, just tell us how do you ordinarily celebrate Thanksgiving?

Um ordinarily my mom does, like, the turkey so we have a big dinner and all of the family comes over so my brother and his family, my sister and her family and us, so it’s kind of just our immediate family that does something.

How many people come?

Um, I think there… well, we’ve been adding so there’s probably about um…let’s see five, well twelve of us, twelve or thirteen people, something like that.

Um, what’s your absolute favorite to eat on Thanksgiving?

Green bean casserole, I love to eat green bean casserole, which is so funny because I thought it was really hard to make but it’s just like a couple of cans of green beans and you put in some cream of mushroom soup and it’s just delicious. And people think you work really hard on it but you don’t.

What’s in the glasses on the table?

Mostly water, mostly water, there’s one year my father thought he had like a bottle of wine but he wasn’t wearing his glasses so he poured us each like a huge glass of vermouth, that was kind of funny.

What’s on in the background, music, television, is it too noisy to even bother with?

Um, it’s mostly the sound of yelling, like children yelling, and screaming and running around so it’s busy.

Play any games, anything that you also associate with Thanksgiving?

Any Thanksgiving games… No, we’re not really football people sometimes we end up mostly playing with kids, trying to entertain the kids but nothing regular.

What… is there anything that you’re going to have on Thanksgiving that you’ll probably not have any other time of the year?

I probably don’t eat turkey, like a real turkey every, you know, every day. So the turkey we have, just, you know that rooster once a year probably is I’m certainly not making them on my own.

When somebody says to you “I’m going to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family this year”, what’s like the first image in your head that comes to mind?

It’s a lot of work, it’s a lot of work making a turkey and doing all that so the first image I picture is piles of dishes because that’s usually how it ends up.

How does the day start and how does the day end?

I’ve been doing a little five cave for the past couple of years in the morning because I feel like I should work for my meal so I usually go and help my mom and I do, like, through the easier stuff, help her with that and we probably end up eating towards, more towards the evening just because my brother and my sister’s families they all do things during noon time so then they come over and have their second meal or their second dinner of the day.

So you don’t have to travel.

I don’t have to travel, no.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.