Transparent Inglês

Receita americana: Bananas foster Posted by on Sep 22, 2011 in Intermediário

Eu simplesmente adoro doce, I have a sweet tooth, definitely!

Conversando com minha colega da Transparent Language, a Lorien, perguntei sobre alguma receita de sobremesa americana e ela me indicou a tal da bananas foster.

É super facinho de fazer e pelo jeito é uma delícia. Abaixo você vê o vídeo, a receita e o modo de preparo em inglês. As palavras mais complicadas foram traduzidas, ok? Enjoy!


½ stick (barra) (1/4 cup) butter
¾ cup light brown sugar (açúcar mascavo)
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon (canela em pó)
4 fresh bananas, sliced (fatiadas)
¼ cup golden or dark rum. You may use banana liqueur or a mixture of rum and banana liqueur, if you prefer. If you do not want to use alcohol, you may use rum flavoring (essência de rum), and you will just stir (mexer) it in with no flaming (sem flambar).
vanilla ice cream

How to make it

Melt (derreta) ½ stick butter in a medium skillet (frigideira) over low to medium heat (fogo médio a baixo).
– Stir in ¾ cup light brown sugar and 2 teaspoons (colheres de chá) ground cinnamon.
Heat (aqueça) until the mixture is liquefied and smooth.
Add 4 cups sliced bananas, and stir until all banana slices are thoroughly coated (completamente cobertas).
– Pour ¼ cup rum over the top of the bananas. Use a butane lighter (acendedor de cozinha) or fireplace match (fósforo de cozinha) to ignite (acender) the rum.
– Let the banana mixture flame until the flames subside (se apague).
– This will burn off all of the alcohol from the rum, leaving the rum-flavored brown sugar-cinnamon sauce (calda).
– While banana mixture is warm, place 3 or 4 large scoops (bolas) of vanilla ice cream on a nice dessert plate.
Spoon (coloque com uma colher) the warm banana mixture to the side of the ice cream scoops, or spoon it over the top.
– Serve immediately, while the ice cream is cold and the bananas are warm.

Tenha um ótimo fim de semana!

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


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