Geralmente sou um cara mega otimista e chega um momento em que vemos uma crise rondando nossa vida, seja ela pessoal, financeira, etc. Pensando nisso encontrei este vídeo que fala sobre o conceito de bankruptcy (falência) em inglês.
Veja o vídeo abaixo e confira as palavras específicas sobre a falência traduzidas.
When a company fails to pay its debts or builds up more debt than it can pay in future, it is considered insolvent. In this situation, filing for bankruptcy may be its only option. Bankruptcy laws in the U.S. are designed to protect the operations of insolvent companies, while allowing creditors, such as bondholders, to recover as much of their claims as possible.
pay its debts – pagar suas dívidas
builds up – acumula
insolvent – insolvente, devedor
file for bankruptcy – entrar com pedido de falência
bondholders – portador de um título, obrigacionista
claim – reivindicação
Businesses in the United States usually declare bankruptcy under one of two provisions, or chapters, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The more common type is known as Chapter 11, named after the section of the Code that describes it. When a company “goes into Chapter 11”, a bankruptcy court gives it protection from its creditors, which prevents them from suing the company and allows it to continue its normal business.
provision – estipulação (em contrato)
suing – processar
In other cases, a bankrupt firm may completely cease to exist. These companies may choose – or be forced by their creditors – to go into liquidation, also known as Chapter 7. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the firm stops doing business and its assets are liquidated, or sold for the highest possible price, with creditors dividing the proceeds.
cease to exist – fechar, parar de existir
liquidation – falência, quebra
assets – bens, ativos
proceeds – produto, lucro, renda
Muito bem explicado.
Francisco Jose Layber:
Estou gostando muito da maneira que está sendo feito as lições, os diálogos. Está sendo muito útil para o meu crescimento no Ingles.