Transparent Inglês

Palavras novas em inglês Posted by on Nov 8, 2011 in Avançado

A língua inglesa, como qualquer outra língua atual, é ativa e há sempre novas palavras aparecendo na mídia (TV, internet, rádio, etc.). Veja algumas das novas palavras que têm aparecido:

plothole / plot hole / plot-hole
erro óbvio ou elemento que falta na trama (plot) de um filme, livro ou peça. A palavra faz uma brincadeira com a palavra pothole (buraco na rua). Veja alguns exemplos:

‘Ryan Gosling turns on the charisma as a stuntman turned getaway driver in this slick LA noir, but its baffling plot holes mean it’s not completely convincing.’ (The Guardian Sept. 22, 2011)

‘Like with “Cars,” inevitable plot-hole questions come up, like how do the robots have children or grow up, but if you don’t think too much, the movie is fine.’ ( Oct. 16, 2011)

Na verdade sick não é uma palavra nova mas adquiriu um novo sentido: algo incrível, impressionante.

‘Love Christina Aguilera’s entire look! The hair, make up and outfit is sick!! She looks amazing!’ (Internet forum comment)

‘He has taken an ’08 GT500 and built it into a sick machine that could probably break the land speed record for a milk run …’ (Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords Magaine May 2011)

tudo o que é relacionado ao ataque terrorista ao World Trade Center em 11 de setembro de 2001.

‘Mayor of London Boris Johnson unveiled a 9/11-themed artwork, made from the largest piece of the World Trade Centre outside of the United States, at Battersea Park, London, yesterday … The unveiling came on the same day that the cousin of a British-born hero of 9/11, who died in the Twin Towers, has spoken of his continuing sadness and pride at what his relative did that day.’ (Yorkshire Post Sept 7, 2011)

‘Nations respond to their 9/11s … The dreaded follow-up to 9/11 hasn’t come, at least in the United States. Al-Qaida-linked attacks instead rocked Madrid; London; … experts who have studied these other 9/11s say some offer important revelations, by comparison, about how America responded to its own.’ (International Institute for Strategic Studies Sept. 6, 2006)

This is it for today, see you tomorrow!

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.