Transparent Inglês

Aprenda inglês com Gangnam Style! Posted by on Jan 7, 2013 in Intermediário

Galera, check this out!

O Jason Levine, lá de New Jersey, tem um canal no Youtube muito legal chamado Collolearn onde ele junta collocations com música para ensinar inglês.

Em outubro do ano passado ele fez um vídeo “mara” para ensinar algumas collocations com as diferenças dos verbos make e do usando como base a música Gangnam Style, do Psy. Abaixo você pode ver a letra da música com as collocations que aparecem no vídeo. Enjoy!

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Make or do? Do or make?
Thinking about it will make your brain ache.
Do yourself a favor. Give yourself a break.
Relax and Repeat, for Fluency’s sake.

I make sure to do my homework; then, I hit the sack.
I make a to-do list to stay on track.
I need to do a few errands; I’ll be right back.
Make yourself at home; be my guest; make a snack!

Do or make? Make or do?
If you’ve heard that they’re different, it’s not exactly true.
Many languages have one word, not two.
When you Collo, it’ll follow and make sense to you.

I make the bed in the morning and do laundry at night.
I don’t make fun of people-that’s impolite or
make a fist or do harm to someone in a fight.
I’d rather do good, make peace, and unite.
You’ve got to do your duty to make things right.

Let’s make a plan to eat out at this restaurant I know.
They make an excellent brunch; can you make time to go?
You’ll have the chance to make friends and make some conversation.
I can make a call now to make a reservation.
You’ll thank me for making such a great recommendation!

Do or make? Make or do?
If you’ve heard that they’re different, it’s not exactly true.
Many languages have one word, not two.
When you Collo, it’ll follow and make sense to you.

When I run out of food, I leave the house to do the shopping.
I do chores like the vacuuming, the sweeping and the mopping.
I’ll make a gourmet dinner and also do the dishes.
On birthdays we make cakes, light candles, and make wishes.

Do or make? Make or do?
If you’ve heard that they’re different, it’s not exactly true.
Many languages have one word, not two.
When you Collo, it’ll follow and make sense to you.

Do research; do experiments; develop your vision.
Make a promise to yourself that when you make a decision,
you’ll make a point to do it well, and then
you’ll make a commitment to do it just as well again.

Try to do good deeds and make a goal to do your best,
though you’re sure to make mistakes or even make a big mess.
To make progress, make great effort. That’s the key.
Make a choice to learn the truth and it will set you free.
Do the math. Make it last. Peace, Fluency MC.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.