An Briathar “Tabhairt” (the verb “to give) agus Clásail Choibhneasta Posted by róislín on May 25, 2010 in Uncategorized
An starr dheireanach, faoi dheireadh! Dhá bhriathar fágtha sa tsraith seo!
The home stretch, finally! Two verbs left in this series! Inniu – tabhairt (to give, giving).
This verb is quite irregular (maolaisnéis más amhlaidh go raibh maolaisnéis riamh ann!). Before we plunge into relative clauses, please note that the root changes from “tug-” (used to create the present and past tenses) to “tabhar-” (for the future), which resembles the infinitive, tabhairt. Here’s the basic pattern:
Tugann sé airgead dona mhac. He gives money to his son.
Thug sé airgead dona mhac. He gave money to his son.
Tabharfaidh sé airgead dona mhac. He will give money to his son.
And just for good measure, the infinitive, present progressive, and the command form:
Tá sé sásta airgead a thabhairt dona mhac. He is satisfied to give money to his son.
Tá sé ag tabhairt airgid dona mhac. He is giving money to his son.
Tabhair airgead do do mhac! Give money to your son!
And now, “simple sentences” and sentences with relative clauses. And maybe let’s get away from the typical type of example where someone gives someone else money. How about a woman warrior giving the traditional “three shouts of triumph.”
Aimsir Láithreach
Tugann an banlaoch trí gháir bhua. The woman warrior gives three shouts of triumph. An dtugann an banlaoch trí gháir bhua? Does the woman warrior give three shouts of triumph?
Direct: Seo í an banlaoch a thugann trí gháir bhua. This is the woman warrior who gives three shouts of triumph.
Indirect: Seo í an banlaoch a dtugann a hiníon trí gháir bhua. This is the woman warrior whose daughter gives three shouts of triumph.
Aimsir Chaite
Thug an banlaoch trí gháir bhua. The woman warrior gave three shouts of triumph. Ar thug an banlaoch trí gháir bhua? Did the woman warrior give three shouts of triumph?
Direct: Seo í an banlaoch a thug trí gháir bhua. This is the woman warrior who gave three shouts of triumph.
Indirect: Seo í an banlaoch ar thug a hiníon trí gháir bhua. This is the woman warrior whose daughter gave three shouts of triumph.
Aimsir Fháistineach
Tabharfaidh an banlaoch trí gháir bhua. The woman warrior will give three shouts of triumph. An dtabharfaidh an banlaoch trí gháir bhua? Will the woman warrior give three shouts of triumph?
Direct: Seo í an banlaoch a thabharfaidh trí gháir bhua. This is the woman warrior who will give three shouts of triumph.
Indirect: Seo í an banlaoch a dtabharfaidh a hiníon trí gháir bhua. This is the woman warrior whose daughter will give three shouts of triumph.
Deich mbriathar déanta, ceann amháin fágtha!
Nótaí: banlaoch [BAHN-LAYKH]; bua [BOO-uh] triumph, bhua [WOO-uh] of triumph; deireanach [DERzh-un-ukh], last, final, dheireanach [YERzh-un-ukh], feminine form of “deireanach”; faoi dheireadh [fwee YERzh-uh]; thug [hug, not like English “hug” but like English “hood” or “good”], maolaisnéis [MWEEL-ASH-naysh], understatement; tsraith [trai], like “try” but breathier, silent “s” and “th”].
Fuaimniú “tabharfaidh”
tabharfaidh [TOW-er-hee, with the “ow” like “brown cow”]
ní thabharfaidh [nee HOW-er-hee]
an dtabharfaidh [un DOW-er-hee]

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