Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: 0th day of Christmas

Bunuimhreacha, Orduimhreacha is Maoluimhreacha — A Thiarcais! (Oh my!) Posted by on Dec 25, 2012

(le Róislín) Yes, yet another méimtheideal (meme title), with my old favorite “3 + Oh my!” as the “méim.”  For this blog, we’ll look at three types of numbers in Irish: bunuimhreacha [BUN-IV-rukh-uh], orduimhreacha [ORD-IV-rukh-uh], and maoluimhreacha [MWEEL-IV-rukh-uh / MWAYL-IV-rukh-uh].  And we’ll polish it off with some tagairtí Nollag from, you guessed it, “Dhá Lá Dhéag…

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