Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: adharc

If You’re Going to Give a Belly Rub to a Rhinoceros, Here’s How to Say It in Irish (and some other useful vocabulary) Posted by on Nov 28, 2015

(le Róislín) We recently posted an imaginary conversation in Irish with Nola (ca. 1974-2015), a Northern White Rhinoceros (Srón-bheannach Bán Tuais-ceartach) whose recent death leaves only three remaining members of her subspecies alive.   The nasc (link) to this article is thíos (below).  Since that blog was almost entirely in Irish, we’ll look at a few…

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Comhrá (samhlaitheach) le Nola, an Srónbheannach: An Imaginary Conversation in Irish with Nola, The Rhinoceros Posted by on Nov 23, 2015

(le Róislín)   Amidst the many catastróif that seem to be happening lately, I was also saddened to learn of the death of Nola, an srónbheannach bán tuaisceartach a bhí ina cónaí i San Diego Zoo Safari Park ó 1989. Of course, she probably lived longer in captivity than she would have in the wild…

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