Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: ardscórálaí

Sacar / Peil (Soccer / Football) : A “Matching” Game of Terminology in Irish Posted by on Jul 9, 2014

(le Róislín) This blog will present 10 soccer (football) terms in English and Irish.  Can you match them up?  Note also that there is one extra Irish term, just for the challenge (“dúshlán” [doo-hlawn] note the silent “s”). Some of the Irish terms can also be used outside of soccer/football discussions, as can some of…

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How To Say ‘Tweet’ and ‘Twitter’ in Irish Posted by on Sep 30, 2013

(le Róislín) Remember when “tweets” and “twittering” mostly referred to birds, especially the “spideog” or the “smólach imirce“?  Or perhaps the sound of “caint eachtardhomhandach” (the speech of extra-terrestrials) as in H. G. Wells’ insect-like Selenites?  You might recall that they made “a slight elusive twittering,” as observed by Messrs. Bedford and Cavor (The First…

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