Tag Archives: babhla
Cúig phictiúr d’imeachtaí an tséasúir: Irish words for some festivals and events from late January through mid February Posted by róislín on Jan 27, 2017

(le Róislín) This time of year seems to be jam-packed with holidays and special events, be they religious, calendrical, or pop/folk cultural. So we have five pictures (cúig phictiúr) in the graphic above and there are five descriptions (cúig chur síos) to match them up with. NB: In case anyone thinks I put them in…
Féilte agus Laethanta Saoire agus Ócáidí Speisialta i Mí Feabhra Posted by róislín on Feb 11, 2012
(le Róislín) For a relatively short month, February is sure packed full of holidays. Here are some dates and some themes. Can you match them up? Since writing the dates in the standard “orduimhir” form would lessen the “dúshlán,” I’ve written them out in full and the key to the numbers is given below, with…