Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: caballo

Mistéir an Fhrása ‘ó chorchtacht’ [sic] in ‘An Béal Bocht’ — Réitithe (An Irish typo — solved) Posted by on Apr 20, 2015

(le Róislín) When I first read the delightful Irish satirical classic, An Béal Bocht, (The Poor Mouth), one phrase that puzzled me was “… i bpriacal do mharfa ó chorchtacht na tíre” (p. 14).  Literally, it would mean, “… in danger of being killed from the “corchtacht” [sic] of the land.”  The official translation gives “from…

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Stella, Étoile, Estrella, Stea … Réalta! Posted by on Jun 20, 2011

(le Róislín) Sandwiched between Lá na Brataí (an American holiday celebrated on June 14th) and Lá na Saoirse (4 Iúil) might be a good time to talk about “réaltaí agus riabha” (stars and stripes).  So we’ll take a sos (break) from the díochlaontaí for a while, and address, first, the “réalta” component.  The “riabha” will…

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