Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Carghas

‘In quarantine’ or ‘on quarantine’ — how to say it in Irish Posted by on Oct 15, 2014

(le Róislín) In the recent blog on the Ebola virus (víreas Ebola), I referred briefly to saying “in quarantine” in Irish.  It seems like a simple phrase to say, and the word for “quarantine” itself isn’t surprising — “coraintín” [KOR-antch-een], no relation to “aintín” as such! But it’s interesting to note the preposition that’s used…

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Féilte agus Laethanta Saoire agus Ócáidí Speisialta i Mí Feabhra Posted by on Feb 11, 2012

(le Róislín) For a relatively short month, February is sure packed full of holidays.  Here are some dates and some themes.  Can you match them up?  Since writing the dates in the standard “orduimhir” form would lessen the “dúshlán,”  I’ve written them out in full and the key to the numbers is given below, with…

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