Tag Archives: chicken
Bia le Beoir (Aguisín): One More Irish Phrase for a Beer-friendly Snack Food, Cuid / Part 1 Posted by róislín on Mar 23, 2017

(le Róislín) Well, it may not have quite the linguistic sizzle as the phrase “pork scratchings” (US equivalent “cracklins” or “cracklings”), aka “fried pork rinds,” but here’s the Irish for the bia sneaice in the picture above, quite straightforwardly: craiceann muiceola friochta (skin + of pork + fried). [Agus seo aguisín don aguisín seo: no sooner…
Ón Teanga Taíno go Gaeilge (‘barabicu’ go ‘beárbaiciú’) Posted by róislín on May 22, 2014
(le Róislín) In the last blog, we referred to “séasúr na mbeárbaiciúnna” (barbecue season) while discussing the Irish word “citseap” (from the Chinese ‘kôe-chiap’ or its Malay variation). This blog will look more closely at the word “beárbaiciú” itself, which, clearly enough, means “barbecue.” Or should that be “barbeque”? Or “bar-b-q”? Or BBQ? Or, “the…
The Ins and Outs of Immigration and Emigration Terminology – Inimirce agus Eisimirce i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Jul 5, 2009
(le Róislín) We recently had a ceist (question) about some terms having to do with inimirce (immigration). Seo samplóir téarmaí: port eisimirce, emigration port, mar shampla, An Cóbh, Co. Chiaraí port inimirce, immigration port, mar shampla, Filideilfia, Pennsylvania A similar term is “longphort iontrála,” lit. ship-port of entry That last term…
Logainmneacha Ceilteacha agus Náisiúntachtaí a Ceathair: Celtic Place Names and Nationalities 4 – The Isle of Man (Mann) and the Manx Posted by róislín on May 6, 2009
We’ve recently discussed the place names Albain (Scotland), Éire (Ireland), and An Bhreatain Bheag (Wales). Today we’ll turn to the Isle of Man (IOM), an island which is not part of Britain nor of the United Kingdom, but which has been a British crown possession since 1828. Under the auspices of the British Home Office…