Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: creatlach

25 Chulaith Oíche Shamhna and how to say them in Irish Posted by on Oct 24, 2015

(le Róislín) The variety of Halloween costumes seems to grow greater and greater every year.  Here are 25 possibilities and a handful of phrases for questions like: 1) Will you be a werewolf this year?  An mbeidh tú i do chonriocht  i mbliana? 2) Were you ever a werewolf? (for Halloween, or otherwise)? An raibh…

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A Zombaithe Go Léir, (Ná) Folaígí Bhur nAghaidheanna! (All You Zombies…!) Posted by on Oct 21, 2011

(le Róislín) I’m rather stupefied by all the cultacha zombaí for Halloween this year, so couldn’t resist a few more mix’n’match phrases.  Keep in mind that in all these cases, the word “zombaí” is functioning as an adjective, so it comes after the main noun.  In this case, unlike the previous costume match-up, which was completing…

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