Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Dungarvan

Béigil: Uaine nó Glas? (Which Type of ‘Green’ for Bagels?) Posted by on Mar 27, 2013

(le Róislín) I figured there would be a lot more online references to “green beer” than to “green bagels” and, iontas na n-iontas, that was the correct assumption.   When you search for the terms in Irish (beoir ghlas, beoir uaine, béigil ghlasa, béigil uaine), the numbers for both drop dramatically. Not that there are that…

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Cé Mhéad Lá? Cé Mhéad Paorach? Posted by on May 11, 2012

(le Róislín) A recent blog in this series on figurative speech in Irish mentioned  “na laethanta go léir a bhí ag na Paoraigh.”  Some of you probably recognized this as a reference to the well-known seanfhocal (proverb):  Beidh lá eile ag an bPaorach (Mr. Power will have another day). So how does this seanfhocal break…

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