Tag Archives: fiche
Another Irish Word Beginning with the Letter ‘Y’ (‘Yólais’ as well as ‘yó-yó,’ etc.) Posted by róislín on Aug 4, 2018

(le Róislín) A few years ago I ran a mionsraith of blagmhíreanna about Irish words that started with some of the litreacha neamhthraidisiúnta in the Irish alphabet, like v, w, x, and y (naisc thíos). Among the few examples that we have for “y” are “yó-yó” (not surprisingly, just add the síneadh fada) and yaincín…
Saying Ordinal Numbers Out Loud in Irish: Ag rá orduimhreacha os ard i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Aug 13, 2017

(le Róislín) I’ve sometimes seen otherwise-confident learners of Irish come to a dead stop when they’re reading out loud and come to some numbers. The basic numbers are challenging enough. First, one must deal with all the different mutations that follow (dhá chat but seacht gcat). Then there are all the exceptions due to the…
Tragóid i Háítí: An Crith Talún Posted by róislín on Jan 15, 2010
(le Róislín) Before returning to the ábhar éadromchroích I had planned for following up on the blogpost on “Lochlannach” (nasc thíos), I’d like to introduce some terms for discussing na himeachtaí i Háítí. Mostly this will just be in list format, since I find the situation almost too overwhelming, especially so close on the…
Blianta Go Leor — Years Galore, Except the Donkey’s! Posted by róislín on Jun 29, 2009
(le Róislín) You may have noticed Transparent’s recent Word of the Day, bliain (year) or an bhliain (the year). Care to guess how many forms of this word are in common use? Well, there’s the lenited form (an bhliain), the special form used after the numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6 (bliana), the eclipsed “special”…