Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: gleoite

Cats Galore in Irish (Cait, Caitíní, Piscíní, Pisíní, srl.) Posted by on Dec 4, 2013

(le Róislín) I suppose I should have saved this blog for National Cat Day (29 Deireadh Fómhair 2014; naisc thíos) but coming swift on the heels of the recent “caitín gleoite caillte sa spás amuigh” blog (thanks to Miley Cyrus’s recent CGI imagery), I couldn’t resist taking the plunge. So how many different ways are…

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‘Caitín’ + ‘Caillte’ + ‘Caoineadh’ = Cén Rud? Posted by on Nov 27, 2013

(le Róislín) De ghnáth éistim le ceol traidisiúnta níos minice ná popcheol ach bhí an scéal seo rótharraingteach le bheith “ag imeacht uaidh.”  Right, well, that’s not exactly the phrase, “to walk away,” but it’s a close Irish equivalent.  For all the possible words in Irish to say “away” (ábhar blag eile?), none of them…

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Cineálacha Rothaí – Including the “Scottie Pinwheel” Posted by on Jan 26, 2013

le Róislín When I first heard about the Scottie Pinwheel (‘sea, sé bhrocaire Albanacha ag siúl timpeall ar mhol, agus cad é atá sa mhol sin ach “babhla bainne gabhair,” a bowl of goat’s milk), I thought “Now there’s a great phrase to translate.”   Perhaps you’ve seen the video? But, of course, there are lots of…

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Bhuf! Bhuf! An Chéad Mhadra – Bo Obama – The First Dog Posted by on May 16, 2009

If you don’t see the image, please go to   Does it get any cuter?  Bo Obama agus lei (muince Haváíoch) air.   Stocaí bána ar a chosa tosaigh agus eireaball pom-pom!   Bibe bán aige.  Is Uisceadóir Portaingéalach é.   Ní dóigh liom go bhfuil aon rud níos gleoite!      Photo: Pete…

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