Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: ispíní

Speaking of ‘ispíní” and other breakfast foods in Irish Posted by on Aug 25, 2014

(le Róislín) I’ll take “an tsiosarnach” and “an t-ispín,” please.  Trying to “have” my “císte” and eat it too, I guess.  So, yes, although most of the time I try to have breakfast foods like iógart, múslaí, torthaí, and leite (le coirce “cruach-ghearrtha is fearr!), I have to admit I’m reasonably fond of the bricfeasta…

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Ón Teanga Taíno go Gaeilge (‘barabicu’ go ‘beárbaiciú’) Posted by on May 22, 2014

(le Róislín) In the last blog, we referred to “séasúr na mbeárbaiciúnna” (barbecue season) while discussing the Irish word “citseap” (from the Chinese ‘kôe-chiap’ or its Malay variation).  This blog will look more closely at the word “beárbaiciú” itself, which, clearly enough, means “barbecue.”  Or should that be “barbeque”?  Or “bar-b-q”?   Or BBQ?  Or, “the…

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