Tag Archives: mion
An bhfuil peata agat? Talking about Pets in Irish: Hamstair (hamsters) Posted by róislín on Jul 24, 2017

(le Róislín) Continuing with our ongoing “peataí” theme, the “hamstar” is today’s “ainmhí an lae.” We’ve actually discussed hamsters (hamstair) previously in this blog, and even had a comhrá between “Hamaltún an Hamstar” and “Searbhán an tSeirbil” (naisc thíos). Given téama an bhlag, it seemed like a good time to revisit these popular “creimirí” (rodents…
Trí Fhocal ar ‘Asteroid’ (in Irish) Posted by róislín on Feb 28, 2013
(le Róislín) Since we’ve been on this astronomy kick, covering dreigítí agus cóiméid, I figured we may as well cover asteroids as well. Overall, I’d say that of the three terms (meteor, comet, asteroid), the term “astaróideach” is the most straightforward of the three. There are still several choices, but they all break down into recognizable…
Cúig Fhrása (Béarla) Gan Mhaith (De Réir Fhionntán Uí Thuathail aka Fintan O’Toole) (Cuid 4/4) Posted by róislín on Jan 14, 2012
(le Róislín) Faoi dheireadh, an starr dheireanach! Finally, the home stretch! Cuid a ceathair as ceithre chuid (Part 4 of 4 parts). Today’s blog will deal with the fifth of the cúig iontráil in Fintan O’Toole’s “Wasting Good Words on a Terrible Situation” (www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/opinion/2012/0103/1224309734610_pf.html). I’ll repeat the SPOILER ALERT though. You might want to wait…
Téarmaí Nollag (Christmas Terms in Irish) Posted by róislín on Dec 7, 2009
(le Róislín) The next of the non-stop seasonal festivities is upon us, and I must admit that there are some pretty clever fógraí le téamaí Nollag out there on TV. I saw a good one this morning in which a réinfhia [RAYN-EE-uh] and a míonótár [MEEN-oh-tawr] were sitting in a booth in a diner, debating…