Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: náid

Bunuimhreacha, Orduimhreacha is Maoluimhreacha — A Thiarcais! (Oh my!) Posted by on Dec 25, 2012

(le Róislín) Yes, yet another méimtheideal (meme title), with my old favorite “3 + Oh my!” as the “méim.”  For this blog, we’ll look at three types of numbers in Irish: bunuimhreacha [BUN-IV-rukh-uh], orduimhreacha [ORD-IV-rukh-uh], and maoluimhreacha [MWEEL-IV-rukh-uh / MWAYL-IV-rukh-uh].  And we’ll polish it off with some tagairtí Nollag from, you guessed it, “Dhá Lá Dhéag…

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Ó 0 go 10 (0 agus 10 agus na hUimhreacha Eatarthu) Posted by on Aug 22, 2011

(le Róislín) Recently we’ve looked at how to count a “couple” of things and how to count “two” of something (cúpla caife Gaelach, dhá chaife Ghaelacha).  So you might be wondering about the numbers in between, and also zero (variously represented in Irish as “nialas,” “náid,” and, by implication, in the phrase “ar bith”).    …

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Bás Michael Jackson (1958-2009) Posted by on Jul 13, 2009

Bhuel, tar éis a bheith ag smaoineamh faoi, after pondering the matter, I figured I may as well join the sluaite (hordes) ag scríobh faoi Michael Jackson.    First stop, as usual, what else has been written about his death, as Gaeilge?  Can’t say I found mórán (much).  A cuardach Google limited to “Bás Michael…

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